Nutrition and Intuitive Eating

It’s THRIVE month at UBC, where we focus on ways to foster, improve and maintain good mental health. One way to improve your overall health and mental wellbeing is by eating!  Maddy Laranjo, a student-athlete at UBCO, has written this week’s blog on nutrition and intuitive eating to help you thrive during your studies. Last … Read more

Becoming an Intuitive Eater

It’s THRIVE month at UBC, where we focus on ways to foster, improve and maintain good mental health. One way to improve your overall health and mental wellbeing is by eating!  Maddy Laranjo, a student-athlete at UBCO, has written this week’s blog on eating for self-care and establishing a healthy mindset with food through Intuitive … Read more

Thrive By Eating Well

November is Thrive at UBC! As we navigate these difficult times, you may be feeling stressed or worried, and the isolation of physical distancing may be exacerbating these feelings.  Research points to five ways that can help promote a healthy mind: the Thrive 5 — simple, easy-to-implement ways to help support your mental health.  Eating a balanced diet … Read more

Healthy Snacking 101

Snacking is a great way to help get in all of the nutrients you need and keep your energy levels high throughout the day. Healthy snacking between meals can help to regulate blood sugar levels, preventing that dreaded 4pm slump. Depending how close you are to your next meal, the size of your snacks will … Read more

Should I Take Vitamins and Supplements?

“Take your vitamins!” You’ve heard it before. Maybe your parents encouraged you to take a multivitamin as a child or a friend recommended vitamin C to help you get over a cold. The 2015 Canadian Community Health Survey found that almost half of Canadians are taking some form of nutrition supplement! It’s a huge (and lucrative) … Read more

Seven Triumphant Nutrition Tips

Eating healthy might seem overwhelming, but if you start small by choosing one or two of these ten tips, you can gradually work your way up the list. There is a lot of information out there when it comes to nutrition, some of which isn’t always helpful. Trying to figure out where to begin can … Read more

5 Simple Tips to Unlock the Power of Food

I’m excited to highlight the potential of food to fuel, discover, prevent, heal, and bring us together. By planning nutritious meals and snacks that keep you moving all day long, food has the power to keep you feeling energized and at your best! Having a variety of nutritious meals and snacks spread throughout the day … Read more

3 Healthy Eating Tips

Instead of following fads or trying a new trend, focus on building sustainable and health-promoting habits that feel right for you. Here are three healthy eating ideas to consider. 1. Make vegetables and fruit part of every meal. Include more fruits and vegetables at meals and snacks. Aim to eat at least one dark green … Read more